Press Release
1. Within the second phase of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces carried out actions against the occupying Turkish army in Hakkari's Şemzînan (Şemdinli), Gever (Yüksekova) and Çelê (Çukurca) districts.
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Press Release
1. Within the scope of the Martyr Serdem and Martyr Nudem revolutionary campaign, on October 23, at 21.10, our forces carried out a sabotage action targeting a Doblo-type civilian vehicle belonging to Mardin's Artuklu Rapid Force Division Directorate.
Press release
1. On October 23, around 4:30, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area of Geliyê Masiro in Van. The occupying forces bombed the area intensely and carried out setdowns to the area with 8 sikorsy-type helicopters with the support of 6 attack-type helicopters.
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Press Release
1. Within the second phase of the Martyr Nalin Muş and Martyr Bedran Gundikremo revolutionary campaign, our forces carried out actions against the occupying Turkish army in Hakkari's Çelê (Çukurca) and the Gever (Yüksekova) districts.
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Press Release
1. Within the scope of the second phase of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, on October 23, at 23.30, our forces organized an action against the occupying Turkish army soldiers positioned on the Qela Perixanê area of Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district.
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Press Release
1. Within the scope of the second phase of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces organized actions against the occupying Turkish army in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova), Çelê (Çukurca) districts.
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Press Release
1. On October 18, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation against the Martyr Kawa area located between the Hazro, Pasur and Farqin districts of Amed province. Within the scope of the Martyr Azad Farqin and Martyr Jinda Özgür revolutionary campaign, our forces put under surveillance an operation unit near the Hındeş village in Farqin district on October 19, in response to the occupying forces which declared curfew in 38 villages in the region.