To the Press and Public!
1- On 4 November, in between 17:30 – 18:30 hours, the war-planes belong to the occupier Turkish state army’ mobility on the area of Cudi/Sirnak have been observed.
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To the Press and Public!
1- On 3 November, in between 17:45 – 18:30 hours, mobility of the war-planes belong to the occupier Turkish state army have been observed on our area of Avasin/the Medya Defence Areas.
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To the Press and Public!
1- In the morning hours of 2 November, our guerrilla forces launched a operation against the ISIS gangs in the Village of Solak, the Hill of Sehit Karker and some of the mountain areas where ISIS gangs based.
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To the Press and Public!
1- On 1 November, at 10:30 hour, our guerrilla forces carried out an attack against the two positions of the ISIS gangs in the Village of Solak/Sengal.
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To the Press and Public!
1- On 30 October, at 22:00 hour, our guerrilla and YBS forces jointly attacked on a building in the Village of Sinune/Sengal, where the ISIS gangs were based.
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To the Press and Public!
On 27 October, the Turkish state army launched a military operation on the areas of Bilika, Herbol and Cilbiya/Cudi, despite the ceasefire. And, there hasn’t been any clashes occurred.
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To the Press and Public!
1- On 28 October, at 08:00 hour, the occupier Turkish state army re-started to build a road for the tanks on the Hill of the Meymun, on borderline of our guerrilla region of Haftanin.
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